"This new coming-of-age pop-rock musical follows four college students on their adventure to turning 18 in a week's time, and as they set out to have their lives sorted before the end of the week, life as they know it falls apart. Written by a teen herself, Lydia Whitbread has weaved individual tales of family quarrels, heartbreak, and figuring out how to pay tax into one all-encompassing relatable story with original music. Because as much as we’d like to not admit it, everyone is just Winging It all the time!"
fringe production team
lydia whitbread : creator, musical director, co-orchestrator
louis mockler : producer
gabriel curteis : associate director, choreographer, assistant producer
el clarke : assistant musical director, assistant producer, co-orchestrator
fraser white : production manager
megan espie : publicity
josh phillips : company manager
fringe cast
amelia perry : alex
camila crabb-zambrano : francine
damien smith : nic
bethan green : ronan
charlie frampton : mila
alex laurenti : charlie
libby pratt : sharon
jordan webster : bill
winging it socials -->